Monday, September 7, 2009

Freedom From the Grid

Now is the time to start lowering our reliance on the power grid. Power shortages, non-renewable energy resources being consumed rapidly, increasing demand for energy, and environmental concerns are all reasons that are screaming at us to make a change. What kind of a change can we make?

Here's a change that you can do: Live off the grid!

Why? Actually, why live ON the grid? Not only does it cost you more money on electrical bills, but it also harms the environment. Living OFF the grid saves you money on your electrical bills, AND helps the environment. Those are real benefits that help both you and the environment. It's a win-win situation.

Here are some of the specific advantages of living off the grid:

  • Relying less on the natural resources that are being exhausted: Does it make any sense to be constantly depending on public utilities? By living off the grid, you can take control of your own resources, instead of the resources provided by governments or corporations. Don't you hate it when you have to wait for the power company to restore your power during a power outage? If you take advantage of alternative power solutions, you can be in control of your own power.

  • Being able to use resources freely: Think about how you would use your power if you didn't have to pay for it. What if you didn't have to worry about the electricity meter? There is an natural abundance of power that is available for you to use to do things like light up your home, and all the things you use power to do. Solar and wind power solutions can do this for you.

  • Lower electricity bills:Imagine what it would be like if you didn't get electricity bills in your mailbox anymore. Using alternate power solutions allows you to make a return on your investment quickly. After a while, your power supply is free!

  • Improving the environment:Planting trees is one thing you can do to help the environment. Living off the grid is another. By using less of the non-renewable energy sources, you allow the environment to become healthier.

If you would like to be able to live off the grid, but think it is too hard or complicated, then you should be glad to learn that it is actually pretty easy, with the right guide.

Here is a guide that will teach you how to make your own alternative energy at home, so that you can live off the can help you eliminate your electricity bill completely. Try this guide to making your own energy and stop paying for electricity.

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