Monday, August 3, 2009

Use a Draft Stopper As a Way to Save Energy Year Round

Most people winterize their homes before colder weather arrives and the winds begin to howl. However, it's not always easy to block all the colder air from entering your home, especially if you have older windows and doors. Learn how to use a draft stopper as a way to save energy.

In times past, people would roll up blankets and place them in front of the door to help keep out some of the draft. They may have worked in the past, and will still work in a pinch today, but there are new draft stoppers that work much better than an old blanket.

Heating and cooling costs are probably the largest chunk of a household budget, outside of mortgage and car payments. So everyone wants to save money on these costs wherever possible. Energy experts agree that keeping the hot air in and cold air out is the best way to do this.

There are a number of ways to reduce heat loss during colder months. They recommend increasing insulation where possible, adding insulation around all electrical outlets and light boxes, and blocking air from coming in through windows and doors. Unfortunately, some of these recommendations can run into a good deal of money.

Using a draft stopper as a way to save money is one solution that is effective and won't put a huge dent in your pocketbook. Here's how they work:

a) Older windows and doors don't fit properly, or the house has settled a little, which leaves small gaps around them. If you have a gap, you have heat and air conditioning loss and the occurrence of drafts.

b) The window draft stopper creates a seal around the bottom of your windows to keep cold air out and hot air in. Made of finely ground corn cob filler, you can easily push the window draft stopper closely against your windows to fit snugly against them.

c) The door draft stopper also creates a seal, at the base of the door, which stops drafts. They can be easily moved so the door can be opened, just remember to push the door draft stopper back in place to keep your energy costs downs.

How much could you feasibly save using a door or window draft stopper? Some experts believe by just using draft stoppers around doors and windows the average home could save between 10 and 25% of their heating bill. That's quite a savings!

You're not limited to using the draft stopper only during the winter months, either. You can continue to use them year-round to lessen the amount of cold air that is lost when you run the air conditioner. Draft stoppers are economical and effective. Now might be a good time to use a draft stopper as a way to save energy, and a pretty penny on your heating and air conditioning bill.

You can get more information on an inexpensive energy saving draft stopper today. Sign up for a free newsletter filled with tips and tricks on saving not only energy but also saving money in general during these tough economic times at

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